I’m going to try not to let this blog devolve into a critique on The New Normal, but as we prepare for the events of next week, this week’s episode really hit home. In the episode, Bryan – in a fit of gay enthusiasm – buys a bunch of baby clothes despite his agreement with David not to buy anything for the baby until they are further along in the process. David is nervous about all of the things that can go wrong with the pregnancy and doesn’t want to fully commit emotionally until they are sure they are going to have a healthy baby.
Alberto has only bought two items of clothing for our unborn (actually, un-conceived) child. But we, too, had a pact that we were not going to buy anything until a sonogram detects a heartbeat. Like David, I can’t stop thinking about all of the things that can go wrong. I don’t think it’s because I don’t want to fully commit emotionally to this child (we’re way past that point already) but I think it is just dumb superstition that’s keeping me from telling people and buying baby items. (It might also be the knowledge that, unencumbered by a baby buying embargo, Alberto and I could go buck wild and decimate a Baby Gap.)
I’m not going to be able to stop worrying (I am my mother’s son). But I will try to take the tidy, wrapped-up-in-a-bow advice from the show and learn how to celebrate the wins and enjoy the ride. And the embryo transfer next week is going to be something to celebrate. We can worry about whether it was successful later. And then we can worry about the amniocentesis. And then we can worry about… Well, you get the idea.
There was another thing in the episode that hit home. At the end Nana says, “I assume you gays have wine?” and Bryan responds, “By the cask.” Amen to that.